Jill Hopper's Article in Gardening

816 Is Your Pet Green?
For many, being eco-friendly started as a trend, but it has quickly caught on and become much more. For many, it has become a way of life for not only for Americans but for many around the world.
Posted on Feb-21-2012

556 LEED Buildings Can Have Quality Pest Control
LEED certification, which stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, holds a very special significance in the minds and hearts of many Americans today.
Posted on Jan-30-2012

434 Preventing Pests with Handyman Services
When you have a pest control problem you hire an exterminator but sometimes you need the help of a good handyman to also help prevent pests those pests too.
Posted on Dec-21-2011

441 Combining Pest Control and Pregnancy
Most exterminators get asked a number of questions on a regular basis and one of the most frequently asked questions is: “Can I continue to have my scheduled pest control appointments while I’m pregnant?”
Posted on Dec-05-2011

424 Control Weeds with Green Solutions
The most unpopular and talked about house in any neighborhood is the one with the unsightly overgrown yard. An overgrown yard not only irritates your neighbors but it can harbor both insects and rodents.
Posted on Nov-21-2011

398 Managing Pests With Green Pest Control
There are many different eco-friendly practices that are taking root in areas of everyday life. There are low VOC paints for your home’s interior and exterior.
Posted on Nov-04-2011

428 Prevent Pantry Pests From Invading your Food
There are insects that get into your pantries and infest the food kept in them – they are called pantry pests. While pretty much any type of household pests, ranging from ants to cockroaches to mice can get into your pantry and make a big mess, pantry pests are a little different.
Posted on Oct-21-2011

422 Termites Invaders That Can Cause Real Damage to Your Home
Houses are not just physical places that provide shelter; they are long-term investments that protect your family and all its memories.
Posted on Sep-22-2011

514 Keep Your Life and Home Free of Bed Bugs
If it is possible for a household pest to come back from the dead, then bed bugs have done exactly that.
Posted on Aug-26-2011

563 Tips on How to Keep the Cockroach Away
While there may be many pests that can invade the North American home, only one is worthy of its own horror movie.
Posted on Jul-28-2011

879 Getting to the Bottom of a Termite Infestation
When you first glance at a termite, you may confuse it for another icky creature - a maggot. Many people falsely assume that a termite is simply the larva of a housefly that is feeding on garbage or some other food source from your home
Posted on Jul-08-2011